An Employee Information Form located in the back of the book, is required to be filled out with your details and forwarded to the Administration Supervisor. The paid working week is Monday to Friday paid into your bank account on Wednesday.

Salaried Employees are calculated as a yearly wage as follows:

• Salary $ divided by 52 weeks.
• Divided by 38 hours equals an hourly rate.
• This includes allowances for RDO and daily work day to perform tasks as required by role.
• Excluded is Leave Loading and Superannuation.
• Any overtime will be paid at the calculated hourly rate.

Where “Chain of Custody” (COC) products are sold employees shall be inducted and trained in the process that is relevant to their responsibilities.

Morning Tea         10 minutes from 9.40am to 9.50am
Lunch                    30 minutes from 12 noon to 12.30pm

(this time may vary depending on work location and customer needs)

Afternoon Tea         10 minutes if you are working until 5.00pm commencing at 2.50pm
to 3.00pm.

Employees must make coffee and drinks before commencing work.
It is expected that employees are to be at their work station at the required starting time.

Hours of work vary between stores and departments and your Manager will advise you of your roster.

Employees who forget to clock on or off must report to their manager, who will write and initial the appropriate time on the clock card.

Employees who arrive late or leave early will result in loss of pay to the nearest ¼ hour unless a leave form has been filled out and approved.
Where an employee requires changing their regular working hours, they must discuss with their manager 24 hours prior to the event.
Employees are not to vacate areas prior to the final siren

A Super Choice Form is required to be filled out by New Employees, of your choice of Superannuation Fund and forwarded to the Administration Supervisor.
This form is also used when an employee wishes to change their choice of fund.

In addition to statutory public holidays, annual leave accrues at the rate of (4) weeks (20 working days) for every (12) months service with the company. This benefit does not apply to casual employees.

The Company closes down for approximately 2 weeks for the Christmas/New Year Break and employees are required to use their annual leave.

When requesting annual leave or transfer of rostered days an employment leave form will be required to be filled out and given to management.

Noticed required:
• One day or less- 48 hours’ notice
• More than one day, less than a week- two weeks’ notice
• More than one week- one month notice

Paid personal/carer’s leave is granted in accordance with the appropriate award or agreement. A medical certificate is required for one day or any part thereof, at the discretion of management, two or more days requires a certificate. You must ring your manager prior to your start time on the first day of absence to advise of the reason and expected duration.

An employee employed under the Timber Industry Award where they have more than 114 hours of accumulated untaken personal/carer’s leave at the end of a personal/carer’s leave year, the employer shall pay the employee for any accumulated untaken sick leave exceeding 114 hours, up to a maximum payment of 64 hours.

Any employee entitled to payment must sign a Personal/Carer’s Leave payout form available from Administration Supervisor/Payroll as per variation of award September 2013.

Carer’s Leave – Personal/Carer’s leave entitlement can be taken as carer’s leave where an immediate family or household member is ill.

Compassionate leave – Employees spend time with an immediate family member who has a personal injury or illness that is serious or life threatening and or a death.

Employees other than casuals are entitled to paid 2 days of an “Immediate family”

It is a stand-alone entitlement that is not deducted from any other leave entitlement

-spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee:
– child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the spouse or de facto partner of the employee:
– spouse and de facto partner includes a former spouse and a former de facto partner

Employees can choose to take the leave as one, unbroken period of two days or take two separate periods of one day each.

Compassionate Leave is on per occasion, there is no limit how often compassionate leave can be taken. Employers can request evidence when an employee takes compassionate leave for example employees can be asked to provide proof of illness, injury or death.

Maternity/Paternity Leave/Adoption- Employees other than casuals are entitled to 12 months unpaid leave after 12 months of continuous service.

Jury Service Leave- Employees attending jury service shall be paid their regular wage.

Family and Domestic Violence Leave – An Employee is entitled to 5 day’s unpaid leave to deal with Family and Domestic violence for Family members:

-a spouse. De facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee; or

-a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of the employee; or

-a person related to the employee according to Aboriginal or Torrens Strait Islander kinship rules.

-The leave is available in full at the start of each 12-month period of the employee’s employment: and

-The leave does not accumulate from year to year; and

-Is available in full to part-time and casuals employees.

An employee who has given their employer notice of the taking of leave must, if required by the employer, give evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person that the leave is taken for the purpose specified.

The performance appraisal for all employees will be reviewed on an annual basis. This appraisal will let you know how well you have been performing and gives you the opportunity to discuss ways of doing your job better or more easily and to voice any concerns you may have.

It is important both to you and the Company that your personal records are kept up to date. Please inform the Administration Supervisor of any changes by filling out a Payroll Amendment Form or Employee Information Form.

A Super Choice Form is also used when an employee wishes to change their choice of fund.

During your interview process you will have been asked about any injuries, illness or concerns you have regarding the ability to perform the tasks required of you.

Please confirm any injury or illness that may affect your work now or in the future.

During your 3 month probation period if required a hearing test may be conducted.

Employees will receive a job description required for them to complete all tasks along with a induction into the company. All employees have an obligation to abide by the Work Health Safety Policy.

Any employee who would like their job description reviewed please see management, and if required an updated job description will be issued.

If you require information on any of the following

  • Workplace Health Safety issues
  • Safety clothing and equipment
  • Training programs
  • To report accidents, breakage or damage of any type
  • Any information required at any time to help or improve your working environment
  • Any matter requiring management intervention

 Please contact management as listed in Contacts section

The Company is dedicated in continually upgrading and improving the work place safety and environment however it is up to each employee to assist in the ongoing safety and improvement in your workplace environment and advise of any potential problems.

All new employees are subject to a maximum three month probation period, during this time if required you will be advised of your progress by management. All leave entitlements will accrue from commencement date.

The Company requires employees who wish to resign their employment, to confirm in writing to the appropriate Manager within the notice period stipulated:

Period of Continuous Service                      Minimum Notice Period

1 year or less –                                                 1 Week

More than 1 Year – 3Years                             2 Weeks

More than 3 Years – 5 Years                          3 Weeks

More than 5 Years                                          4 Weeks

Failure to give the required period of notice of resignation may result in the forfeit of wages with respect to the period of notice not given, subject to the relevant Workplace Agreement/Award.

The intended cessation date of employment is to be stated in the letter of resignation.

The Company will not terminate the employment of an employee for poor work performance or misconduct unless the employee undergoes a consolation process that identifies, as necessary, appropriate support, instructions and written warning(s), and that the unsatisfactory performance or misconduct continues after a reasonable period of time for improvement has been allowed.

Misconduct and Poor Performance may include

• Unauthorised absenteeism/poor record of attendance.
• Behaviour towards manager/supervisor.
• Behaviour towards co-workers.
• Job effectiveness, efficiency and output.
• Not following specific company policies, procedures or practices
• Actions involving accident or injury (or the real possibility of accident or injury) to any employee or general public.
• Harassing or discriminatory behaviour towards an employee, client or customer of the company.

The exception, however, is in the case of serious and wilful misconduct where instant dismissal may be justified.

Serious and Wilful Misconduct

Summary or instant dismissal is dismissal without notice and occurs where an employee commits an act of serious and wilful misconduct, which may include:

• Serious breaches of the employer’s code of conduct or company policies, e.g. Work Health Safety, Sexual Harassment.
• Refusal to carry out a lawful instruction of a manager/supervisor.
• Consuming, possessing, selling, manufacturing or being under the influence of alcohol, or other drugs on company premises.
• Dishonesty, theft or other unlawful activities.
• Gross negligence (subject to the nature of the negligence).
• Vandalising, intentionally damaging or misusing company or another employee’s property.
• Fighting.

Other acts may also constitute serious misconduct, depending on the circumstances of the case. It is up to the manager/supervisor to determine when an act is serious misconduct.


Redundancy or retrenchment are examples of termination that come about through a change in the position an employee performs, rather than any fault on their part. It does not occur as a result of poor performance or misconduct of an employee.

Redundancy occurs when the employer no longer requires the position the employee has been doing to be performed by anyone.

Retrenchment occurs as result of the employer having to reduce the number of employees in the workplace, but still requires the particular job that the employee was doing to be done.

Neat, appropriate clothing is to be worn at all times. Work wear will be provided to employees from time to time at the discretion of management, subject to individual or department needs.

Back support belts are available and can be used to assist when lifting heavy items.

The Company provide to all employees Hi Vis Protective clothing, hats and sunscreen, along with hand, ear and eye protection for safety and visibility.

Safety boots must be worn by employees at all times and kept in good condition. Office staff must wear closed in shoes at all times.
All employees operating machinery must wear appropriate personal protective equipment at all times.

In the event of an emergency please advise the Fire Warden(s) by two-way radio, who will assess the situation and advise what action is to be taken.

In the event of a major fire, a siren will be sounded continuously. Upon hearing the alarm, evacuate premises immediately. Fire Warden(s) to assess the fire and make decisions re-controlling the situation.

If Bone Timber evacuation is required, move to the evacuation zone which is situated at South Road entrance of Australian Motors.

If Bone Wholesale evacuation is required, move to the evacuation zone which is situated at main entrance outside roller door or rear gate on western side.

If BBDC evacuation is required, report to Site Supervisor where appropriate evacuation zone will be allocated.

Fire Warden(s) to check if all staff and visitors are accounted for.

In the event of a Armed Hold-Up – Do Not place your life at risk for the sake of cash. If there is a hold-up you must remain calm, quiet and obey any offender’s instructions. Obey any orders exactly and quickly, tell offender exactly what you are doing, eg. “I’m opening the cash drawer”.

Do Not chase the offender. As soon as possible, and when safe telephone police on 000.

In the event of an Injury, the First Aid Officer must be notified to assess the injury and they will advise if treatment and medical attention is needed.
Always follow instructions from emergency services if they are present.

A two-way radio/ and or mobile phone (First Aid Officer Only) is accessible for all employees who require a First Aid Officer in the First Aid Room if emergency services are required. Management is responsible for the equipment, and is regularly checked on a fortnightly basis.

All minor and major injuries must be reported and recorded on the accident forms provided and signed by a First Aid Officer. These forms are also located in the First Aid Room or from Management.

All First Aid Officers are fully trained in Senior First Aid by a Registered Training Organisation.

First Aid Kit at Bone Timber located in First Aid Room situated between the second fix area and joinery/mill area.

First Aid Kit at Baker Moon located in First Aid Room situated at southern side of main office.

First Aid Kit for BBDC report to Site Supervisor who will have one in company vehicle.

All First Aid Kits are regularly stocked by an Accredited First Aid Service every 3 months.

If required Management will drive employee to medical centre or home.

Serious Injury Procedure

Contact member of First Aid Team, ENSURE that affected individual is receiving appropriate moral and physical support by fellow workmate.

The First Aid Officer on the scene will make the appropriate decisions re:
• Ambulance
• Treatment of Injury

They are in control: decisions made by them are to be acted upon immediately.

If required Management will drive employee to medical centre or emergency department centre.

Ensure that Management is contacted.
Ensure that access to injury site is EASILIY ACCESSIBLE
Be supportive and DO NOT panic the patient.

Car parking is along Messines Avenue as spaces are available and you will be issued with a permit to place in your window, which is valid for the current calendar year. Gary Gray will re-issue a new permit at the beginning of each year.

Office Phones/Computers

Office phones are for company business. If you need to make a private call for any reason, please ask one of the persons listed from your work location under contacts. All calls should you need to make one will be kept to a minimum and made during breaks (except in an emergency).

Office computers are to be used appropriately with regard to the internet and emails at all times. Any misuse of emails or internet can post many legal, privacy and security risks.

Employees should be vigilant when receiving emails as to avoid opening attachments, which may contain viruses or spam.

All email accounts maintained on Bone Timber Industries system remain the property of Bone Timber Industries.

If an employee’s Bone Timber emails need to be accessed, this will be done through the Manager or the authorised IT person of Bone Timber Industries.

Mobile phones can only be used during breaks (except in an emergency)
(Only staff members issued with mobile phones as part of their employment are exempt from the above rule).

Please use professionally as we are on public airway and customers are able to hear them occasionally.

Only employees qualified or under instruction by a qualified operator may use machinery or plant equipment.  Photocopies of your license(s) are required and will be filed confidentiality in your employee file.
At no time is a customer permitted to use any equipment or plant without permission from management.

When cutting packs of sheet products and timber, please ensure all cut straps and wrapping is disposed of immediately in appropriate bins.

Only persons holding an approved forklift, truck or side loader licence may use this equipment or under appropriate supervision if undertaking training. All forklifts, side loaders and trucks are to be driven within speed limits specified at all times.

Employees driving Bone Timber vehicles must complete the vehicle log sheet located in each vehicle. If log sheet is missing or is full please see management to organise a new log sheet.

Please ensure that no empty or spare gas bottles are carried on forklifts when not required.

Stocktake is at the end of June every year and will be advised by Management, and would be appreciated that all staff attend.